Clonal Multilineage Differentiation of Murine Common Pluripotent Stem Cells Isolated from Skeletal Muscle and Adipose Stromal Cells

Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) with transdifferentiation capacity may provide useful therapeutic modalities in the areas of cellular restoration and regenerative medicine. The utility of PSCs depends on their ability to respond to different stimuli and to adapt to tissue-specific differentiation conditions. Given that a number of cells possessing characteristics of PSCs have been identified and isolated from several adult murine tissues, we hypothesized that a common PSC may exist in multiple murine tissues and that these cells may either reside permanently in specific sites or continue to circulate and colonize tissues as needed. Previous data from our laboratory suggest that PSCs exhibiting an immunophenotype of CD45(-)Sca-1(+)c-kit(-)Thy-1(+) can be isolated from multiple murine tissues and may represent putative common PSCs (CoPSCs). To investigate whether the multiple tissue differentiation potential observed with these cells resulted from the presence of different tissue-restricted progenitors within CD45(-)Sca-1(+)c-kit(-)Thy-1(+) cells or was the product of clonal differentiation of CoPSCs, clonality studies were performed. Single skeletal muscle (SM)-derived CoPSCs were expanded for 10 days, and progeny cells were split into three culture conditions designed to stimulate myogenic, adipogenic, and neurogenic differentiation. Analysis of 600 clones indicated that 2.16%, 0.83%, and 0.33% of the total number of plated single cells were capable of unipotent, bipotent, and tripotent differentiation, respectively, into combinations of myocytes, adipocytes, and neuronal cells. Given that SM-derived CoPSCs represent 4.78% of the total cells analyzed, tripotent CoPSCs made up 0.016% of the total muscle cells. Similar results were obtained in clonal analyses using adipose stromal cell (ASC)-derived CoPSCs, suggesting that both SM- and ASC-derived CoPSCs may be phenotypically and functionally identical. Taken together, these data demonstrate that a common PSC can be identified in different murine tissues and suggest that a small fraction of these cells are capable of clonal differentiation into multiple cell types.