Etude en microscopie electronique·de 1'influence des reflexions accidentelles sur les tensions critiques

Study by electron microscopy of the influence of accidental reflections on critical voltages In this article it is shown that strongly excited non-systematic reflections have very apparent effects on the profile contrasts of extinction contours in the vicinity of a critical voltage. Our results have been obtained with wedge shaped single crystals of magnesium oxide. The effects of strong non-systematic reflections show important changes in the intensity profiles of equal thickness fringes given by the second order Bragg reflection: in our study we have considered the 400 reflection. The comparison between these experimental results and those of the calculations carried out in N waves dynamical theory using the atomic scattering factors of electrons indicated on different, tables has enabled us to deduce some Fourier coefficients V 8 of the inner potential. In the case of MgO we have found V 200 = 6·93 volts, I400≃3·1 volts, V 024 ≃ 2·6 volts and V224≃2·3 volts at room temperature T= 300°K.