Factors affecting oxygen consumption in the scallopChlamys delicatula(Hutton)

The effeet of body size, activity, feeding and declining PO2 on the rate of oxygen consumption in the scallop Chlamys delicatula were investigated. Vigorous swimming activity led to a 2.4 fold increase in the rate of oxygen consumption. Feeding did not cause an increase in oxygen consumption. Neither activity nor feeding significantly affected the slope of the line relating log body weight to log oxygen consumption. Oxygen consumption in declining ambient oxygen tension was studied. Use of the oxygen dependence index K1/K2 (Bayne 1971) suggests that C. delicatula is not a good oxyregulator. The relationship between the oxygen dependence index and body size is given by the exponential equation K1/K2 = 115.78QO2 0.769 where QO2 is the weight-specific oxygen consumption (ml O2, g-1. h-1).