A new calculation of surface-plasmon excitation in tunnel junctions is described. The tunnel junction is divided into three regions of complex dielectric function εL(ω), ε0(ω), and εR(ω) which correspond to the left electrode, the barrier, and the right electrode, respectively. Maxwell's equations are solved for the classical electromagnetic fields. The source terms are given by the quantum-mechanical transition current and charge, J=(ie2m)(ψ*RψLψLψ*R) and ρ=eψ*RψL, for an electronic transition from a state ψL in the left electrode to a state ψR in the right. The transition rate is given by (2ω)ReE*·Jd3r where ω=ELER. This new formulation avoids the need to quantize the electromagnetic fields and allows the use of complex dielectric functions. Current-carrying orthogonal eigenfunctions are used for ψL and ψR in place of the nonorthogonal basis set associated with the transfer-Hamiltonian theory of inelastic tunneling. The transition rate calculated from the latter theory differs from the present calculation by a factor as large as 10 to 100 in some instances. Numerical estimates of the rate of surface-plasmon excitation in Al-Al2 O3-Ag junctions are given. The inelastic tunneling rate is found to be ∼0.1 of the elastic rate (for electrons tunneling into Ag). Excitation of electromagnetic modes which can be made radiative by roughening the electrodes is discussed.