k‐space correction of eddy‐current‐induced distortions in diffusion‐weighted echo‐planar imaging

This paper describes a method for correcting eddy-current (EC)-induced distortions in diffusion-weighted echo-planar imaging (DW-EPI). First, reference measurements of EC fields within the EPI acquisition window are performed for DW gradient pulses applied separately along each physical axis of the gradient set and for a range of gradient amplitudes. EC fields caused by the DW gradients of the DW-MRI protocol are then calculated using the reference EC measurements. Finally, these calculated fields are used to correct the respective DW-EPI raw (k-space) data during image reconstruction. The technique was implemented in a small-bore MRI scanner with no digital preemphasis. It corrected EC-induced image distortions in both phantom and in vivo brain diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data more effectively than commonly used image-based techniques. The method did not increase imaging time, since the same reference EC measurements were used to correct data acquired from different phantoms, subjects, and DTI protocols. Because of the simplicity of the reference EC measurements, the method can easily be implemented in clinical scanners. Magn Reson Med 53:1103–1111, 2005.