The reactions Zr91,92,94(α,t)Nb92,93,95, Zr90,91,92,94(α,d)Nb92,93,94,96, and Mo92(α,d)Tc94 have been investigated with a 50-MeV α-particle beam from the Berkeley 88-in. cyclotron. High-spin proton excited states observed in the (α,t) reaction, based on comparisons with (He3,d) experiments on the same targets, include: Nb92(≅5 MeV multiplet); Nb93(1.08, 1.29, ≅4.5 MeV); and Nb95(1.27, 1.65, 2.10 MeV). Two groups of strongly excited states appear in the (α,d) data. Members of the lower group [Nb92(g.s.), Nb94(0.08 MeV), and Nb96(0.23 MeV)] have been previously identified as being (πg92,νd52)7+ states. Based on the Mo92(α,d)Tc94 results, the Tc94 ground state can also be assigned 7+. The higher levels [Nb92(2.58 MeV), Nb94-(2.42 MeV), Nb96(2.38 MeV), and Tc94(2.68 MeV)] are believed to be either (πg92,νg72)8+ or (πg92,νh112)10 states based on the results of shell-model matrix-element calculations and the (α,d) structure factors of Glendenning.