Comparison of four methods for identification of gram-negative non-fermenters: Organisms less commonly encountered in clinical specimens

Four commercial kits - Oxi/Ferm (OF), API 20E (AP), Minitek (MT), Flow N/F (NF) were evaluated, without additional tests, for identification of 105 opportunistic Gram-negative non-fermentative rods. OF correctly identified 42% of strains, with 35% as part (but not first) of a spectrum of identifications (SI) and 23% incorrect identification. MT yielded 75% correct identification, with 12% SI and 13% incorrect. AP correctly identified 64% of strains, with 26% SI, 10% incorrect. NF correctly speciated 70% of strains, with 24% SI, 6% incorrect. All 4 methods show deficiencies in identification of these rare but increasingly clinically encountered organisms. Addition of new tests/modification of existing ones would render these systems more capable of identifying this organisms group.