Effects of heat treatment on sharp-line photoluminescence of GaAs grown by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy

We report the effects of heat treatment on sharp-line photoluminescence spectra from GaAs layers grown by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy. The photoluminescence consists of no-phonon lines of three different centers and associated phonon sidebands of both lattice and localized vibrational modes. By considering the calculated values of local phonon modes, the photoluminescence features, and layer growth conditions, we attribute the three no-phonon lines to the nearest neighbor C3v-type arsenic interstitial complexes: Asin-VGa, Asin-CAs and Asin-AsGa. Heat treatments at 300–500 °C considerably increase the concentration of Asin, and thereby, of Asin-CAs and Asin-AsGa.