Biological monitoring of cobalt exposure, based on cobalt concentrations in blood and urine

Cobalt exposure level and its concentrations in blood and urine were determined for 175 hard metal workers. For control data, the cobalt concentrations in blood and urine were measured for 20 office workers. The exposed workers had significantly higher cobalt concentrations in both blood and urine. The relationships between exposure level and cobalt concentrations in blood and urine were linear and positive. The results clearly showed that the cobalt concentration in the blood or urine can be used as an exposure indicator. With cobalt exposure of 100 μg/m3, the cobalt concentration was 0.57 to 0.79 μg/dl in blood and 59 to 78 μg/l in urine with 95% confidence limits. In workers using respirators, the cobalt concentrations in the blood and urine decreased to 2/5 and 1/8, respectively, of those not using respirators.