Effect of bile/pancreatic secretions on absorption of radioactive or stable zinc

Biliary/pancreatic (B/P) secretions are a major component of endogenous secretions, and endogenously secreted Zn is a primary means of Zn homeostasis. This study examined whether B/P fluid alters the absorption/reabsorption of Zn and, in doing so, whether this contributes to homeostatic control of Zn. Animal experiments utilized rats fed 10 or 300 μg Zn/kg diet. An open-ended gut perfusion study in which65Zn-labeled B/P fluid or67Zn-labeled and digested diet found significantly decreased Zn absorption from B/P fluid. Although Zn absorption from both sources was less in animals fed diets higher in Zn, there was no interaction of treatment and diet. Further studies utilizing cultured human colon carcinoma cells (CACO-2) as in vitro models of gut enterocytes found that the presence of B/P fluid significantly decreased Zn retention and/or transport and resulted in a redistribution of cellular Zn after 1200 min of incubation. These studies show that a substance in B/P fluid can decrease the absorption of Zn and also suggest that dietary Zn and Zn associated with B/P secretions are absorbed from distinct pools. However, the lack of an interactive effect with diet, and the amount of time required to see differences in CACO-2 cells, suggest that differences in absorption are not a major contributor to Zn homeostasis.