High-temperature EPR in superionic fluorites

The EPR of the Mn2+-doped superionic conducting fluorites CaF2, SrF2, and BaF2 has been studied at high temperatures at 9.3 GHz, and that of PbF2 and SrCl2 at 22 GHz as well. In the fluoride compounds, the F19 transferred hyperfine structure (hfs) that is superimposed upon each Mn55 hfs component is observed to collapse when the F hopping rate w exceeds the F19 hfs coupling A(19). The integrated intensity, m(55), and frequency dependence of the line profiles have been used to identify (in addition to static dipolar broadening) three distinct line-broadening mechanisms: (1) a quasistatic, nonlocal distortion of the cubic crystal field that results from the growth of ion disorder with increasing T, (2) a local, dynamic broadening related to enhanced anharmonic phonon effects, and (3) a combined Mn2+-concentration— and T—dependent "collision" broadening which proceeds via dipolar encounters between diffusing Mn2+ ions and is proportional to their hopping rate, w+. The latter mechanism is closely related to the effects of "magnetic tagging" on the F19 NMR relaxation in Mn-doped PbF2.