X-ray and neutron diffraction studies of the structure of dilute solutions of Au in Pb. I. The quenched state

The Huang diffuse scattering (HDS) of fully annealed and quenched Pb(Au) single crystals has been measured and compared with lattice parameter measurements in order to determine the defect state of Au in the quenched crystals. The Au concentration was 730 PPM as determined by neutron activation analysis. The double force tensor as determined from the lattice parameter change is Tr Pif=-10.5 eV and from X-ray HDS is mod TrPij mod =11.9 eV. Combining both methods the authors conclude that the Au atoms in the quenched state form single substitutional defects. The proposed Au4 clusters exist in a negligible fraction, if at all, whereas a small fraction of Au2 dimers (<or=20%) cannot be excluded.