One-Stage Simple Mastectomy With Immediate Reconstruction for High-Risk Patients

• The heterogeneity of human breast carcinoma appears to be a cumulative interrelationship of genetic and environmental factors that may be identifiable with a high risk for carcinogenesis. Until breast cancer prevention is realized, one-stage total ductal-glandular mastectomy with immediate reconstruction may be offered as an alternative to simple mastectomy for women at high risk for developing cancer. This technique affords the complete extirpation of breast tissue at a deep plane with flaps that are identical in thickness to those elevated in classic mastectomies for invasive cancer. Breast reconstruction with submuscular prostheses in a one-stage procedure gives an aesthetically acceptable result. The role of ductal-glandular mastectomy as prophylaxis for invasive carcinoma warrants future prospective trials. (Arch Surg 1986;121:221-225)