Virtual Reality Environment for Body Image Modification: A Multidimensional Therapy for the Treatment of Body Image in Obesity and Related Pathologies

The aim of this article is to investigate the possibility of inducing a significant modification on body image attitudes and behavior in obesity and related pathologies using a psychological approach based on virtual reality (VR). The design used is a clinical intervention study using five bi-weekly, VR-based therapeutical sessions. The sample was composed by 57 female obese, BED, and EDNOS patients who were seeking treatment at the Weight Reduction Unit of the Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Verbania, Italy. Various body-image related psychometric tests (Body Satisfaction Scale, Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire, Figure Rating Scale, Contour Drawing Rating Scale) were submitted to the sample at baseline and after therapy. In all samples, the subjects improved their overall body satisfaction after the treatment. The improvement was always associated to a reduction in problematic eating and social behaviors. The possibility of inducing a significant change in body image and its associated behaviors using a VR-based, short term therapy can be useful to improve the body satisfaction in traditional weight reduction programs.