Mapping Parish Nurse Documentation Into the Nursing Interventions Classification

Mapping, or linking like terms that represent the same concept, is a research method increasingly used for testing the reliability and validity of standardized taxonomies. For mapping to be useful, it is critical that the procedure is reliable. One way to maximize reliability is to develop standardized mapping procedures, or rules to follow when linking the terms. This article will present a standardized mapping procedure method in a study that mapped narrative parish nurse documentation (170 health records, 1607 interactions) into the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), yielding an intercoder reliability kappa of 0.92. The mapping process identified conceptual issues in the NIC, which also are presented. Because the NIC is included in the Systematic Nomenclature of Medicine of Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT), these conceptual issues raised data aggregation issues in SNOMED CT. Those issues are also presented.

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