Convulsive Threshold Values to Parenterally Injected Pentamethylenetetrazole in Epileptic Monkeys

Chronic focal epilepsy was induced in 17 monkeys by the appln. of alumina cream (Al(OH)3 cream) to a principal cerebral sensory-motor cortical area by discs or local injns. The convulsive threshold to the rapid intraven. injn. of 10% Metrazol (pentamethylenetetrazole) was significantly lower (2.8-6.3 mg./ kg.) in a majority (70%) than in a control group of 7 untreated monkeys (8.5-29 mg./kg.). In all epileptic monkeys the intra-musc. injn. of 8-28 mg./kg. of Metrazol produced motor convulsions, usually focal, while none of 7 control monkeys convulsed with dosages up to 44 mg./kg. The convulsive response of 16 epileptic monkeys to a standard test dose of 16 mg./kg. Metrazol was similar whether administered subcut. or intramusc. Epileptic and non-epileptic monkeys may be differentiated more readily on the basis of their convulsive reaction to intramusc. than to rapid intraven. injn. of Metrazol. The motor convulsive thresholds of epileptic monkeys to intraven. or intramusc. Metrazol do not necessarily parallel the susceptibility of these animals to seizures produced by prodding or stress.

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