Production of an International Reference Standard Alternaria Extract

As part of a program to establish international standards of selected allergens, 6 coded extracts of Alternaria were assessed in 6 laboratories by immunochemical, biochemical and physicochemical procedures. Direct RAST, RAST inhibition, quantitative skin tests and leukocyte histamine release were used to assign relative orders of potency to the 6 extracts. The composition and major allergens content was tested by thin-layer isoelectric focusing and quantitative immunoelectrophoresis (crossed immunoelectrophoresis and crossed radioimmunoelectrophoresis). Three laboratories determined the quantity of purified allergens in each of the preparations. In addition, source materials were sent to an expert Alternaria taxonomist for independent identification. The results showed considerable variation with respect to total allergenic potency and content of individual allergens. Source materials could not be confirmed as Alternaria in some instances. Based on fulfillment of written specifications and assay results, extract No. 6 recommended by the Alternaria Working Group as the candidate international standard to the Steering Committee of the Allergen Standardization Subcommittee of the International Union of Immunological Societies.