Smooth band termination inSn108

Three rotational bands in Sn108 have been investigated to high frequency via the Fe54 (58Ni,4p) reaction at 243 MeV. One of these bands is observed to undergo a band crossing at high spin. All three bands show a large decrease in their dynamic moments of inertia, to approximately one third of the rigid body value, as the rotational frequency approaches 1 MeV/ħ. The structures of these bands are thought to be based on 2p-2h proton excitations across the Z=50 shell gap and their properties can be interpreted in terms of cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations. Such calculations predict smooth band terminations for all three struc- tures and a gradual shape change from collective prolate, at low spin, to noncollective oblate at high spin. © 1996 The American Physical Society.