Surface active properties of combinations of soap and lime soap dispersing agents

And Summary: Surface tension versus log concentration curves were obtained for combinations of a variety of lime soap dispersing agents (LSDA) with sodium oleate. Salient features of the curves for these mixtures were: (a) criticial micelle concentration (CMC) close to that for LSDA alone; (b) absence of a surface tension minimum or substantial reduction in the minimum, which was often found with LSDA alone; (c) surface tension values above the CMC very close to those found for soap alone above its CMC; and (d) slope below the CMC greater than that for soap alone, more like that for soap with alkali added or lime soap dispersing agent alone. Higher CMC values were confirmed by dye solubilization measurements. The surface tension curves provided further evidence for the mixed micellar nature of soap‐LSDA mixtures and suggested that the addition of LSDA to soap increased the surface concentration of surfactant.