Very long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments for precise measurements of mixing parameters andCPviolating effects

We analyze the prospects of a feasible, Brookhaven National Laboratory based, very long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment consisting of a conventional horn produced low energy wideband beam and a detector of 500 kton fiducial mass with modest requirements on event recognition and resolution. Such an experiment is intended primarily to determine CP violating effects in the neutrino sector for 3-generation mixing. We analyze the sensitivity of such an experiment. We conclude that this experiment will allow determination of the CP phase δCP and the currently unknown mixing parameter θ13, if sin22θ13>~0.01, a value 15 times lower than the present experimental upper limit. In addition to θ13 and δCP, the experiment has great potential for precise measurements of most other parameters in the neutrino mixing matrix including Δm322, sin22θ23, Δm212×sin2θ12, and the mass ordering of neutrinos through the observation of the matter effect in the νμνe appearance channel.