Catalytic Combustion in Cylindrical Channels: A Homogeneous-Heterogeneous Model

The behavior of reactors in which homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions occur simultaneously may be of interest in high temperature catalytic processes including catalytic combustion in tubes or monoliths. A two dimensional model of a laminar flow, adiabatic, tubular reactor for the combustion of carbon monoxide was developed. Three variations of the model were examined (1) the homogeneous only case, (2) the heterogeneous only case, and (3) the homogeneous-heterogeneous case. The differential equations were solved for the case of a reactor with an inside diameter of 0.153 cm with inlet concentrations of 4 mole percent CO, 20 mole percent O2 and, 76 mole percent N2. The behavior of the reactor approaches that of the heterogeneous only model for inlet temperatures less than 650 K. Reactor behavior approaches that of the homogeneous only model for inlet temperatures greater than 1150 K. Between 650 and 1150 K both reactions must be considered. For inlet temperatures near the upper end of this range, a catalyst may be necessary only near the reactor inlet to light off the homogeneous reaction