The pharmacokinetics of intravenous high-dose methotrexate were studied in two groups of children being treated for malignant diseases, mostly acute lymphatic leukemia. The peak serum level of methotrexate of 2.32·10−5 mol/l was found in children given 500 mg methotrexate/m2 by a 24 h infusion, and another group given 2790 mg/m2 during a 6 h infusion had serum levels as high as 2.16·10−4 mol/l. The decay of serum concentration of methotrexate after completion of the infusion followed a diphasic curve, with an initial serum half-life of 4.8 h, followed by a second half-life of 34.4 h at distribution equilibrium. The apparent volume of distribution was 56.8 litres/m2. Significant levels of methotrexate were found in cerebrospinal fluid, but penetration into cerebrospinal fluid was slow. Urinary excretion of methotrexate was considerable. Four to five days after commencement of the infusion, urinary concentrations of methotrexate still exceeded the serum levels.