Amplitude-reduction and acrophase-advance of circadian mitotic rhythm in corneal epithelium of mice with bilaterally lesioned suprachiasmatic nuclei

Lesions of the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) have been reported to disrupt or abolish circadian rhythms of motor activity and body temperature as well as of several neuroendocrine functions. This study was undertaken to determine any effect the SCN may have on the prominent circadian rhythm characteristic of the mitotic index of the corneal epithelium. Singly caged adult mice of both sexes were fed ad libitum and standardized to 12 hours of light alternating with 12 hours of darkness. Animals were divided into experimental and control groups. Later they were killed in subgroups at the time intervals of 0800, 1200, 1000, 0000, 0400 hour. Mitotic counts were determined on both right and left corneas of all mice. The data were plotted separately for both groups and reflect colony variation. We conclude that major lesioning of the SCN or its efferent projections disturbed but did not abolish the rhythm. In animals with unilateral lesions of the SCN, the mitotic index was consistently lower in the ipsilateral cornea. The mitotic index for animals with lesions which missed the SCN or its efferent projections did not differ from controls. The nuclei appear to function as pace‐resetters and amplifiers of the rhythm studied.