Precise Half-Life Measurement for the Superallowed 0+0+ β Emitter 74Rb: First Results from the New Radioactive Beam Facility (ISAC) at TRIUMF

Presently, the world data for superallowed β decay leads to a result in disagreement (at the 98% confidence level) with the predictions of the minimal standard model for the unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. Precise data for the superallowed 0+0+ β decay of 74Rb would provide a critical test of the nucleus-dependent isospin symmetry-breaking corrections that must be calculated for these superallowed Fermi β decays. The present work reports the first precise measurement of the half-life for 74Rb ( t1/2=64.761±0.031ms). The data were obtained at the radioactive beam facility (ISAC) at TRIUMF using a beam of 4000 74Rb ions s1.

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