Radiation doses to patients from digital subtraction angiography

This investigation determined patient doses during digital subtraction angiography (DSA). Fluoroscopy time, dose–area product (DAP) and entrance surface air kerma (ESAK) were analysed from 263 DSA examinations, classified into seven categories: (1) abdominal aorta, iliac, femoral, popliteal and leg arteries; (2) abdominal aorta and superselective DSA of renal arteries; (3) combination of (1) and (2); (4) superselective DSA of common carotid and vertebral arteries, intracranial branches in face and profile projections; (5) superselective DSA of hepatic, splenic, superior and inferior mesenteric arteries; (6) combination of (1) and (4); and (7) celiac trunk and branches. Median DAP values were 67.7, 92.9, 76.6, 53.6, 105.7, 76.1 and 2.6 Gy cm2, respectively. With the exception of one examination, ESAK values were below 2 Gy: the limit for erythema. Compared with published data, DAP values were within the range reported for (1) and (4), slightly larger for (2) and (5), whereas no references were identified for the remaining three categories.