Comparison of seed proteins of some representatives of the genusPisum from the point of view of their relationship comparison by disc electrophoresis

Ten taxa of the genusPisum were examined by disc electrophoresis in gels according to Davis and to Reisfeldet al. For evaluation of band patterns the Jaccard Index was applied. The results in both types of gels show thatPisum abyssinicum and especiallyP. fulvum have biochemically a relatively isolated position.Pisum elatius and its subspeciescaspicum andpalestinicum form a subgroup withP. cinereum;P. sativum var.zeylanicum and cv. Jupiter form another subgroup withP. syriacum. Our results are in good agreement with the results of Przybylskaet al. (with the exception ofP. cinereum) and also with immunoelectrophoretic analyses performed by Turkováet al. (1980), with the same exception.