The comparison of seed proteins of several representatives of the genusPisum with respect to their relationships An immunological comparison

Using immunochemical methods a comparison was made of a complex of water soluble (albumins) and salt soluble (globulins) seed proteins, especially vicilin and legumin, in selected species of the genusPisum, to determine the degree of their taxonomic relationship. Within the genusPisum the interspecific differences betweenP. abyssinicum, P. cinereum,P. elatius, P. fulvum, P. sativum, andP. syriacum are much smaller, and thus the taxonomic distances are shorter than is the casee.g. in the genusPhaseolus. In spite of this fact one may state thatPisum sativum, P. elatius andP. syriacum constitute a definite group, whereasP. abys-sinicum, P. cinereum and P.fulvum have longer taxonomic distances.