Malignant Lymphoma of the Testis

Lymphoma presenting in the testis was evaluated in 24 patients. The tumors were classified according to both the Rappaport and the Kiel classification. The Rappaport classification yielded only 2 tumor types.sbd.15 difuse histiocytic and 9 diffuse mixed histiocytic-lymphocytic, with no pure lymphocytic lymphoma. No difference in survival time was found between these 2 tumor types. According to the Kiel classification there were 4 histological tumor types.sbd.immunoblastic (11 cases), centroblastic (2), centroblastic/centrocytic (6) and polymorphic immunocytic (5). In comparison with the other tumor types, the centroblastic/centrocytic lymphomas seemed to be advantageous as regards survival. Systemic treatment with chemotherapy in accordance with current principles for malignant lymphoma evidently is indicated following orchiectomy in localized testicular lymphoma as well as in disseminated disease. The value of postoperative radiotherapy to regional nodes is questionable.