Mechanism of the(6Li,He6) reaction at intermediate energies and its suitability as a spin probe

Angular distributions have been measured for the (6Li, He6) reaction on targets of Li7, 12,14C, Mg26, and Zr90 at bombarding energies of 35, 25, and 14 MeV/nucleon. The ratios of observed cross sections for states in N14 and Be7 suggest that the reaction mechanism is predominantly one-step at 35 and 25 MeV/nucleon with an increasing contribution from sequential transfer at lower energies. Measured forward-angle cross sections for Gamow-Teller transitions are found to be accurately proportional to the corresponding B(GT) values from β decay or from (p,n) data. This calibration will allow the measurement of spin-transfer strength with the (6Li, He6) reaction at intermediate energies. One-step distorted-wave Born approximation calculations, which used Yukawa central and r2× Yukawa tensor potentials, are consistent with the data at 35 and 25 MeV/nucleon except for θc.m.<3°, and give a central force strength, Vστ, in reasonable agreement with that obtained in (p,n) studies at similar energies per nucleon.