Analyzing powers for theC12(6Li→,α)14N*reaction at 33 MeV

Angular distributions of the cross section and the first complete set of analyzing powers for C12 (6Li→,α)14N have been measured over the range 4°≤θlab≤29° at a bombarding energy of 33 MeV. The T T20 analyzing power data are shown to distinguish between natural and unnatural parity states in N14 as observed earlier in (d→,α) reactions. General rules are presented for tensor analyzing powers for transfers to 0± and 1± states that are derived assuming only conservation of parity and total angular momentum. Finite-range deuteron cluster transfer DWBA calculations which allowed coherent multiple L transfers were carried out and compared with the data. The analyzing powers exhibited sensitivity to L mixing including the presence of D states in both Li6 and N14 but had limited success in describing the data.