Landau theory of Fermi liquids and the integration-over-the-coupling-constant algorithm

We have formulated a microscopic approach to the Landau theory of Fermi liquids. The method is based on the integration-over-the-coupling-constant algorithm and involves the use of suitable generalizations of Hubbard’s many-body local field. Our investigation clearly demonstrates the crucial role played in the theory by the often neglected antiparallel spin correlations. A point we also emphasize is that in order to correctly employ this procedure it is necessary to make use of the expression for the charge susceptibility as appropriate to the case of an infinitesimally polarized system. As an exemplification, we present a fully self-consistent calculation of the effective mass and the anomalous g factor for the quasi-two-dimensional electron liquid occurring in Si inversion layers. It is shown that the present development solves some serious problems plaguing earlier theories.