Circulating Antibodies in Vitamin-Deficiency States. Pantothenic Acid and Pyridoxine Deficiencies.

The mechanisms which may be operative in the impaired antibody response of pantothenic acid or pyridoxine-deficieht rats to the antigenic stimulus of human erythrocytes were investigated. Rats immunized while receiving a complete diet maintained high serum antibody titers during a protracted period of time in which either pantothenic acid or pyridoxine was removed from the diet. Subcut. admn. of aqueous adrenal cortical extract either immediately following each antigen injn. or 3 weeks after immunization was ineffective in increasing the serum antibody titers of either pantothenic acid-deficient rats or their inanition controls. The admn. of massive doses of pantothenic acid or pyridoxine to rats immunized while in a corresponding vit. deficiency state produced only a very gradual increase in serum antibody titers. Relatively normal levels were reached approx. 2 mos. after vit. repletion. These findings suggest that pantothenic acid and pyridoxine function in antibody synthesis.