Multiphoton Ionization of Atoms by Two Radiation Fields: Theory and Calculations for Hydrogen

An approximate non-perturbative theory of multiphoton ionization of a hydrogen atom by two strong radiation fields is outlined. The special case is then considered for when one of the fields is of low intensity and high frequency and the other field is of high intensity and low frequency. A set of representative calculations has been performed for this case; that is, (a) angular distributions for given numbers of absorbed and emitted low-frequency photons and different geometries; (b) total cross-sections versus the strong-field intensity; (c) angular distributions summed over all the low-frequency photon exchanges, showing a fourfold symmetry in a geometry in which each ionization channel exhibits, instead, only a twofold symmetry; (d) the average energy gained by the ejected electrons. Calculations are performed for a strong low-frequency field of arbitrary polarization. In many respects, the present calculations are expected to complement those of single-field multiphoton ionization. It is hoped that the results of the calculations reported here may prompt systematic measurements also in this new class of processes, as the predictions are well within the state of the art of present multiphoton-ionization experiments.