30 patients suffering from premenstrual tension are presented. All patients had mastodynia and most had abdominal and pelvic pain, nervous tension and edema. Treatment consisted of 200,000 I.U. vit. A daily started 15 days before the menses, was discontinued the 1st day of flow and resumed 2 weeks later, repeating the same course from 2-6 mos. Results were highly successful, as shown by the disappearance of mastodynia, marked decrease or disappearance of breast nodules, disappearance of edema and great improvement in the nervous tension. In patients who received vit. A irregularly or only for short periods of time, the results have not been as successful. On administering placebos, the symptoms remained unchanged. Little is known about the beneficial action of vit. A on premenstrual tension. Perhaps vit. A relieves this syndrome by diminishing production of estrogenic hormones and may also influence elimination of Na, thus correcting edematous infiltration of the nerve centers.