Sensitization to aeroallergens depends on environmental factors

Respiratory allergies and subclinical sensitization to aeroallergens were investigated in 129 rural and in 222 urban probands. The incidence of respiratory allergies was not significantly higher in the urban residents. Sensitization to aeroallergens was investigated with Phadezym RAST (house dust mite, Cladosporium, orchard grass, birch pollens) and the Phadiatop multi RAST and found to be significantly more frequent in polluted than in unpolluted areas. Allergen-specific IgE was detected n 37.8% of urban probands and in 25.6% of rural probands with Phadezym RAST (P < 0.025) and a positive Phadiatop multi RAST was found in 43.7% versus 32.6 (P < 0.05).