Method for spatially resolved imaging of energy-dependent photoelectron diffraction

We present a method for spatially resolved imaging of energy-dependent photoelectron diffraction. Energy-dependent photoelectron-diffraction spectra are individually Fourier transformed to three-dimensional vector space. The complex transformed amplitudes are summed over a span of φ angles or over a span of polar angles. The images are, respectively, well resolved in the radial and azimuthal directions, or in the radial and polar directions. The intersections of these real-space maps fix the atomic coordinates. We show how the intensity loci from single and multiple scattering paths are separately resolved and how most multiple scattering contributions are eliminated. By varying the collection angles, atoms in different regions relative to the emitter, e.g., surface or bulk atoms, are imaged. One can also use the photon’s A vector to enhance the near-π backscattering geometry. We compare this method with another direct method: extended x-ray-absorption fine structure.