1. Studies lead to the conclusion that Chibnall-preparations of pasturage proteins, in spite of their small amounts of carbohydrate impurity, may yet yield, on hydrolysis by mineral acids, practically the right amounts even of most of those amino-acids which are adversely affected by carbohydrates to some extent when tested singly under the conditions.2. Preparations made in another way after treating the pasturage with ether as in the original Chibnall-method showed features of interest in the problem of attaining very pure proteins now much needed for purposes of comparison.3. A new method is introduced by which it is possible to compare what may be extracted from the protoplasm of fresh unpulverized pasturages with the composition of the natural saps on a unit weight basis.4. Production and breakdown of protoplasmic protein in perennial rye-grass during growth consistently appeared related to variations in the content of “nitrogen” and phosphates in the saps and the supplies of “nitrogen” and phosphates from the soil.