On the basis of the well‐established relationship U = A + Bu (U denoting shock velocity, u particle velocity, and A, B experimental constants), it is shown that the following explicit formula can be used for the evaluation of the Grüneisen parameter: γ = {U(2U − A)[A + (B − 1)U] − (13AU)(U − A) − BA3} / U(U − A)(U + A). This is a short cut of its kind. Although its resultant values of γ reflect some differences similar to those between the Slater and Dugdale–MacDonald schools, the present method of computation can lead to a satisfactory evaluation of the equation‐of‐state data. In addition, direct calculation of sound velocity behind the shock front turns out to exhibit an interconnection between static and dynamic compressibilities. Such a link should be of value for pursuit to gain basic understanding of high pressures.