A review of the therapeutic possibilities of the acridine derivatives is presented. Since a number of bacteria are resistant to sulfonamides and to penicillin, more chem. agents require investigation in order to broaden the sphere of chemotherapy. Acriflavine and related compounds deserve study of their potentialities. Until 1940 such investigations were of limited value due to use of impure chemicals. At present, several pure acridines are available. Their chem. is re- . viewed. Although the acridines are of little value as systemic disinfectants, their use as local antiseptics offers excellent potentialities. Proflavine has been employed in the local treatment of war wounds. It is effective vs. streptococci, staphylococci, and clostridia. Since the drug is adsorbed to gauze, an excess of flavine is required in the dressing of wounds. Its prolonged use is contra-indicated. Toxic effects of the acridines include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and occasionally jaundice. Final evaluation of these compounds must await further clinical trials.

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