Semen was collected twice a day every other day (2×/48 h) for 36 days from 12 Dutch-belted rabbits. Sex drive, ejaculate volume, microscopic appearance of the semen and sperm counts were recorded. Seminal plasma was analyzed for its content of fructose, citric acid, glycerylphosphorylcholine (GPC) and the minerals Na, K, P, Mg, Ca and Zn. Six males were exsanguinated 24 h after the last semen collection and 6 were exsanguinated 5 weeks later. The organs of the reproductive tract were weighed and analyzed for their contents of spermatozoa, fructose, citric acid and GPC. Rabbits differed in libido and several characteristics of semen. Second ejaculates had lower concentrations of fructose, citric acid, K and Zn than did the first ejaculates. Fructose was found chiefly in the different portions of the prostate gland and major concentrations of citric acid were found in the ampulla of the ductus deferens and in the vesicular gland. GPC concentrations were highest in the caput and cauda epididymides. Correlations among different constituents were calculated and their significance is discussed.