Effect of Temperature Stress on Adenylate Pools and Energy Charge in a Psychrophilic Bacterium, Vibrio sp. ABE-1

The adenylate energy charge in the psychrophilic bacterium Vibrio sp. ABE-1 remained unchanged while the cells grew, although the ATP pool varied in parallel with the growth rates under different temperature conditions (0.degree.-20.degree. C). At a nonpermissive temperature (25.degree. C), the bacteria could not grow, the energy charge decreased due to temporary disappearance of ATP and before long, the number of viable cells and the energy charge decreased. Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase, an ATP-utilizing enzyme, could be efficiently controlled by the energy charge at permissive temperatures, but was regulated little or not at all at a nonpermissive temperature (25.degree. C). The regulation possibly arose from inhibition of the enzyme activity by ADP or AMP and especially by the reaction product, AMP.