A Study of Infections Caused by Mumps and Newcastle Disease Viruses. I. Specific and Non-Specific Serologic Relations

Summary: Specific antibodies, measured by the methods of hemagglutination-inhibition and complement-fixation, appeared in serum following experimental infection of monkeys with mumps and ND viruses. It could not be demonstrated, using the two serologic methods, that these viruses shared a common antigen. The hyperimmunization of rhesus monkeys with mumps and ND viruses did not provide convincing evidence of a serologic relationship between these viruses. Complement-fixing antibodies for NDV may appear in serums obtained from some human beings recently convalescent from mumps parotitis. Hemagglutination-inhibitor substance(s) was present in many serums at the onset of mumps; although a rise in titer occurred, the order of increase was not enough to warrant a conclusion that mumps and ND viruses shared similar antigenic components. A non-specific substance(s) has been found in many serums obtained from human beings and rhesus monkeys which inhibits hemagglutination of fowl RBC, and in some, apparently, fixes complement in the presence of mumps and ND viruses. The non-specific serum-inhibitor is discussed in regard to the apparent, but false, serologic relations of mumps and ND viruses.