A study of 160 cases including pathological features in 30 cases. Etiology, paahology, clinical manifestations, specific organ and tissue involvement and course of the disease are extensively discussed and the world literature cited. Differences from and similarities to systemic tuberculosis are noted. 69.8% of 116 patients tested in present series had negative tuberculin reactions. Exptl. and clinical evidence pro and con a tuberculous etiology are discussed. The widespread organ and tissue involvement progressive and retrogressive course are cited. Clearing of phenomena of hypersplenism following splenectomy where extensive sarcoid infiltration of the spleen was present is noted. Involvement of eye (commonly iritis and ureitis) was present very often, es-pecially in new patients (60% of 56 cases examined ). Uveoparotid fever was noted in 11 of 140 cases in the present series. The variable course of the disease is stressed. Establishment or confirmation of diagnosis in all cases by biopsy is advisable. Little in the way of treatment is advocated but it is pointed out that currently reported favorable effects from cortisone and ACTH if confirmed and extended may shed further light on the etiology of this disease.