Nuclear Structure ofNa23: TheNe22(He3,d)Reaction

Using the Ne22(He3,d)Na23 reaction at a bombarding energy of 15 MeV, excitation energies and angular distributions have been obtained for 96 levels below Ex=10.2 MeV in Na23. Data were recorded in 3.75° steps in a multiangle spectrograph. Angular distributions were compared with distorted-wave Born-approximation predictions; values of transferred angular momentum and spectroscopic strength were extracted for 42 levels, including the three lowest T=32 states. An empirical forward-angle J dependence has been used to distinguish between Jfπ=32+ and 52+ for lP=2 transfers. The summed lP=0 and lP=2 spectroscopic strengths agree with theoretical expectations. The results of the present investigation are combined with previous information and discussed in terms of the rotational model. The low-lying negative-parity states are examined in terms of their particle or hole character. The results for both positive- and negative-parity states suggest significant deviations from the predictions of a simple rotational model, even with band mixing.