Genitourinary and Sexual Adverse Effects of Psychotropic Medication

Objective: We review the adverse effects on genitourinary and sexual function associated with antidepressants, neuroleptics, lithium, and benzodiazepines, and suggest treatment strategies that may be used for their management. Method: This article is based on systematic review of the existing literature, including more than 130 relevant articles on genitourinary and sexual effects of psychotropic medications. Results: We find that genitourinary function, including effects on continence and flow, and sexual function, including libido, erection, ejaculation and orgasm, may be altered by psychotropic administration. Many of these effects may be consequent to the impact of these medications on neurophysiologic systems. Conclusions: Genitourinary and sexual adverse effects associated with psychotropic therapy are important areas of study and clinical concern that may affect patient comfort and compliance with treatment.