A direct correlation between hyperthermia-induced membrane blebbing and survival in synchronous G1 CHO cells

Heating synchronous G1 cells at 45.5°C for 3–20 min induced varying degrees of membrane blebbing ranging from nonblebbed cells indistinguishable from control cells to those with blebs larger than the cell itself. Both the proportion of cells exhibiting blebbing and the mean diameter of the blebs increased with heating duration. Scoring individual cells for both blebbing and colony formation demonstrated that cells with blebs larger than 50% of the cell diameter did not survive to form colonies. Electron microscopy showed that all subcellular organelles, save the ribosomes, were absent from the membrane blebs. Freeze fracture replicas revealed no changes in membrane ultra‐structure, except on some 15% of the blebs that contained bald patches devoid of membrane particles.