Distribution of basic azo‐dye‐binding protein in normal rat tissues and carcinogen‐induced liver tumors

Monospecific antibodies against basic azo‐dye‐binding protein from the rat liver were obtained. An antigen identical to this protein was shown to be present in the liver, kidney, small intestine, ovary and testicle extracts of rats and also in liver and kidney extracts of mice. The concentration of this antigen was significantly reduced in the liver and kidney of rat embryos and in rats during the early postnatal period. Immuno‐fluorescence technique was employed to study distribution of the azo‐dye‐binding protein in sections of normal rat liver and liver tumors induced by 3′ ‐methyl‐4‐dimethylami‐noazobenzene. This protein was found in the hepatocytes of the central areas of the acinus but not in the hepatocytes of periportal zones. The azo‐dye‐binding protein was absent from poorly‐differentiated hepatomas, anaplastic carcinomas and from most adenocarcinomas. In all the highly‐differentiated hepatomas this protein was found to be uniformly distributed among the tumor cells. Thus the presence of azo‐dye‐binding protein in tumors seems to depend on the degree of cell differentiation.