In silico characterization of thermostable lipases

Thermostable lipases are of high priority for industrial applications as they are endowed with the capability of carrying out diversified reactions at elevated temperatures. Extremophiles are their potential source. Sequence and structure annotation of thermostable lipases can elucidate evolution of lipases from their mesophilic counterparts with enhanced thermostability hence better industrial potential. Sequence analysis highlighted the conserved residues in bacterial and fungal thermostable lipases. Higher frequency of AXXXA motif and poly Ala residues in lid domain of thermostable Bacillus lipases were distinguishing characteristics. Comparison of amino acid composition among thermostable and mesostable lipases brought into light the role of neutral, charged and aromatic amino acid residues in enhancement of thermostability. Structural annotation of thermostable lipases with that of mesostable lipases revealed some striking features which are increment of gamma turns in thermostable lipases; being first time reported in our paper, longer beta strands, lesser beta-branched residues in helices, increase in charged-neutral hydrogen bonding pair, hydrophobic-hydrophobic contact and differences in the N-cap and C-cap residues of the α helices. Conclusively, it can be stated that subtle changes in the arrangement of amino acid residues in the tertiary structure of lipases contributes to enhanced thermostability.