Among 53 isolates of Phytophthora parasitica, Phytophthora palmivora, Phytophthora capsici, and Phytophthora cinnamomi tested, there was no difference in ability to produce lipase, phosphatase, or urea on solid media. However, only some isolates of P. parasitica and P. palmivora produced DNase or pectate transeliminase. The ability to produce pectin depolymerase or amylase varied greatly among isolates of some species. Zoospore progeny of A1 and A2 isolates of P. parasitica tested were relatively uniform and were similar to their parents. However, progeny from oospores produced by the same isolates as a result of hormonal stimulation displayed great variation in their ability to produce amylase. These results support the hypothesis that species of Phytophthora are diploid and indicate that amylase production in P. parasitica is controlled by heterozygous multiple genes.