Study of electron-neutrino—electron elastic scattering at LAMPF

Neutrino-electron elastic scattering was observed with a 15-ton fine-grained tracking calorimeter exposed to electron neutrinos from muon decay at rest. The measured νeeνee elastic scattering rate of 236±35 events yields the total elastic scattering cross section 10.0±1.5(stat)±0.9(syst)×1045 cm2×[Eν (MeV)], and a model-independent measurement of the strength of the destructive interference between the charged and neutral currents, I=1.07±0.21, that agrees well with the standard model (SM) prediction I=1.08. The agreement between the measured electroweak parameters and SM expectations is used to place limits on neutrino properties, such as neutrino flavor-changing neutral currents and neutrino electromagnetic moments. Limits are placed on the masses of new bosons that interact with leptons: for a neutral tensor boson, MT>105 GeV; for a neutral (pseudo)scalar boson, MP,S>47 GeV; for a charged Higgs boson, Mχ+>87 GeV; and for a purely left-handed charged (neutral) vector boson, Mx>239 (119) GeV.